Letter to the Universe

This is one of my personal favorite tools for getting greater clarity and determining my next best steps.

This exercise is designed to help you get in touch with your inner guidance system and get clear about what it is YOU need, right now. I call it “Writing a letter to the Universe,” but use whatever language works best for you (Source Energy, Spirit, God, Higher Self...whatever you use to call on that connection)


Find a quiet place where you can get comfortable and spend some time honoring your connection to this higher energy.

Here are the points to address in your letter:

Dear Universal Source Energy,

  1. Share the vision you have for yourself (let it all pour out)

This is the vision I have for myself...
This is what I DO WANT...
This is what I DO WANT TO FEEL...
This is how I WANT OTHERS TO FEEL...
This is what I feel called to bring to the world... This is what I see at this time...

  1. Share WHY you want to create this life and embody this vision
  2. Hand over any fears, doubts, worries, concerns, “yeah but(s),” and “I can’t(s),”

This is what I DON’T WANT to happen…This is what I DON’T WANT TO FEEL…This is how I DON’T WANT OTHERS TO FEEL… I honor myself by writing down my fears and doubts. I give these concerns to you, Universe...take them! I know you will be able to release them and show me the way.

  1. Open yourself up to receive a sign about next best steps for you
Please give me a sign-what is my next best step to aligning with my Highest Path and Purpose?
  2. Once you have written your letter, create a willingness statement to support you. Some examples are...

-I am willing to be supported and the Universe will show me how.

-I am willing to give my fears and doubts to the Universe.

  1. On a regular basis check in with your true sense of inner guidance, and open up for a sign about the next best step for you on your Soul’s journey.