Manifestation Acceleration Tool

This meditation is very powerful and I HIGHLY recommend doing it consistently. Using this tool (or an earlier version of it) has created huge miracles for me over the years.
Seriously, if I could only take one tool with me to a deserted island, this is the process I would's THAT effective.
Do the entire 4 step process and then let yourself hold the blissful feeling you activated in the first step. This feeling is a match to your vision so when you're basking in that vibe you're inviting more experiences that create that feeling to flow towards you.
Plus you get to feel fantastic in the here and now rather than delaying your gratitude and joy.
Practice staying in that feeling tone as long as you can. When you fall out of it, which you will (often!), be present to the authentic emotion that is demanding your attention and discover the gifts/guidance the emotion brings with it.
Once you've received the guidance, do your best to jump back into the happy feelings that match your vision.
If you need to do the full 4 part process again, go for it. Keep bringing yourself back to that feeling place over and over throughout the day. It feels good AND it tunes you into the frequency where your dream exists.

As you practice this, you'll notice there are things in your life that naturally activate the blissful feelings that are a match to your vision. Make note of those things and let yourself experience them often.
Spend time regularly doing things that automatically activate the happy feelings you intentionally tap into during your meditation.
  • Manifestation Acceleration Tool

    In this audio recording you’ll learn a daily practice designed to help you energize your intentions, clear limiting beliefs, tune into practical intuitive guidance and manifest results faster. Click here to access your recording