The Myth of Arrival
Whew...what a busy week this has been. Everyone I talked to this week seemed to tell the same story about how they have been racing around from one event to the next, doing everything they can to keep up with their very full lives. I've heard over and over again..."things will be better when..." or "I'll be happy when..." or "I'll be able to take better care of myself when..." or "things will calm down when..." I've heard it, and there have been many times in my life when I have said it, but ya know what? The truth is you can spend your whole life chasing after that time we all call "when."
You know me...I love to write straight from my heart and share the tools I use on a daily basis. In the past year (FYI this was written in 2011 🙂 ) I have started a new business, my husband has gone head first into a 12 month MBA program while working full time...etc, etc. As you can imagine we have talked about "when" more than a few times lately. But, we have also talked about the reality of the situation. So here it is...there is this little myth we all like to buy into.
In today's article, I'm going to share this myth with you. For me, just knowing this myth (and recognizing when I'm buying into it), has freed up a lot of energy for me. I hope it will do the same for you.
The Myth
How often do you hear yourself, or someone you know, say things like:
"I'll feel more relaxed when..."
"I'll be comfortable when..."
"I'll feel successful when..."
"I'll feel confident when..."
"Once I get this promotion, finish this project, get a new job, have more money, lose this weight, stop getting headaches, fall in love, buy a house, have a baby, get a new car, etc, etc..., then I'll really be happy!"
The basic idea is, "Once I have it all...then I will have 'arrived!' "
We've all said it, we've all felt it. But here's the truth...
We never "arrive." We are ever evolving, expanding beings and there will always be more growth, more inspiration, more learning, more discovery, more of life to experience, more goals, more dreams, more desires, more creativity, more creation!
This is life's greatest gift. So wouldn't NOW be a good time to take better care of ourselves, take more time to relax and be willing to feel more confident, more comfortable, more peaceful and more happy?
Think about it.

Consider putting an end to all the waiting for "when."
Catch yourself saying things like, "I'll be happy when..." or "if only this would happen...then I would be happy." Try re-framing these thoughts and choosing more empowering statements like, "I know this situation is temporary because life is always changing. I am excited for this change and I look forward to it AND AT THE SAME TIME I am WILLING to be at peace with what is. I am WILLING to feel happy with where I am."