Expand Into Problems
Have you ever watched someone you care about react to a problem and thought to yourself,
“wow, this is being blown WAY out of proportion?” or
“the solution is simple. I know exactly what needs to be done.”
It can be so easy to accurately access the magnitude of a problem, and its possible solutions, when the problem is not ours.
Think back to the last time you had a clear, simple solution to someone’s problem. No matter how “big” or “small” the problem seemed to you, I bet your brilliant solution involved the person expanding, not shrinking. I’m guessing your suggestion involved being bigger than the problem, rising above to see from a higher vantage point and taking action that helped the person learn and grow. As divine beings we are ALWAYS bigger than any problem.
Often we can uphold this perspective for others, but shrink in the face of our own challenges.
When we shrink, the problem feels even bigger.
No matter what challenges you experience or witness, practice choosing to see the problem as smaller than you or those handling the situation.
Choose to expand rather than contract.
1.Take a moment to feel the emotional impact of the situation. If the emotional impact is bigger than what seems appropriate in the current circumstances, then you can be sure this situation is triggering a past trauma. Your emotional reaction is revealing old wounds and guiding you to release, transcend and integrate these energies. Use your tools to move through the emotion and receive the guidance and gifts. When appropriate ask for support from me or another professional in your network.
2. Identify how your personal strengths (and the strengths of those supporting you) are bigger and more powerful than the problem at hand.
-How have you (or others you know) successfully navigated similar situations?
-What has, or has not, worked in the past and how can you learn from that awareness?
3. What actions are available to you that feel expansive, empowering, energizing and affirm the divine nature of you and everyone involved in the situation?
4. Which of those actions has the highest energy of integrity and aligns most with love, abundance and truth? Which action strengthens you rather than weakens or diminishes your energy?
5. Take the indicated action.
When we choose to see all problems as smaller than our true divine nature, we are able to see accurately through divine eyes.
If you need any help putting things into perspective, please let me know.