Nourishing Your Body in Winter

According to Oriental medicine the cold months of winter are the perfect time to recharge your battery and generate vital energy, or Qi, so you can live, look and feel your best.

Winter is the season where all living things slow down, conserve their energy and prepare for the outburst of new life and energy in the spring. It is a time to reflect, replenish and conserve strength.

Enjoy warm hearty soups, whole grains, and roasted nuts to warm your body's core and to keep nourished. Get to sleep early, rest well, stay warm and expend a minimum quantity of energy. This is the perfect time to pull out your crock pot and do some healthy, easy, slow cooking.

Take a moment right now to consider a few ways you can slow down and honor the natural rhythm of the season.

Here are some more ideas:
-choose warm beverages instead of iced
-enjoy warm, cooked and easy to digest foods
-wear socks
-take warm baths
-add warming spices (like ginger, cinnamon, cloves, etc) to your recipes
-My husband, Rob, and I love making homemade soups this time of year. If you feel inspired, put on some good music and start cookin'.