Bless Your Heart

In Traditional Chinese Medicine the heart is said to be the "ruler" or "emperor" of all the internal organs. It is considered the most important organ and it pertains to the fire element in the five phase cycle (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). Here are some "Statements of Fact" about the heart in Chinese Medicine

-"The Heart governs the blood and the blood vessels." The heart qi pumps the blood through the vessels. If the heart qi and blood are abundant the pulse will be strong and smooth with regular rhythm. The heart also plays a role in the engenderment of blood.

-"Joy is the orientation (emotion, affect) of the heart." Joy and happiness allow the body and mind to relax and are therefore the antidote to the other emotions (fear, fright, anxiety, anger, grief).

-"The heart desires softness." In other words the heart appreciates stillness, calmness and quiet.

-"The heart store the spirit." The heart is the "house" of consciousness/spirit/mind called "shen" in Chinese. Since the shen resides in the heart, the heart is also closely related to sleep and dreaming. When someone has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep a Chinese Medical practitioner will likely treat the heart.

-"The heart has its efflorescence in the face." The condition of the heart may be reflected in the complexion of the face. A rosy complexion is typically a sign of a health circulatory system in Chinese Medicine.

-Sweat is the humor of the heart." Abnormal sweating may indicate an imbalance with the heart qi, yin or blood. Excessive sweating may lead to imbalances in heart qi, yin and blood.

Sources: Statements of Fact in Traditional Chinese Medicine by Bob Flaws


Take some time this week to consciously "bless your heart."
Here are some suggestions...

-The heart is directly or indirectly affected by each emotion we experience.  Each emotion has a different effect on the flow of qi in our bodies. Remember when I told you joy is the antidote for the other emotions? This means that when the qi is moving pathologically as a result of prolonged exposure to any one of the other 6 affects (grief, anger, anxiety, pensiveness, fear, fright) joy will rectify the qi and have a harmonizing effect. So...have some fun this week! Spend time with a friend you love to laugh with, watch a comedy, listen to music that makes your heart tickle (and sing along!), make a list of all the things that bring you joy and allow a feeling of happiness and gratitude to wash over you, dance, paint, allow yourself to get into the flow of doing something that brings you joy.

-The heart appreciates calmness and quiet too. Block off some time this week to indulge in some quiet time just for you. Take a bubble bath, go for a stroll, snuggle up with a cup of tea, go for an acupuncture treatment, a massage or facial. Take the time to nurture yourself...your heart will thank you for it.