Feng Shui -Tips to Harmonize Your Home
While in acupuncture school I had the opportunity to take classes on all kinds of aspects of Chinese culture, including the Chinese Art of Placement known as Feng Shui. I'm far from an expert, but I want to share some quick and easy things you can do to optimize your home to support you in your manifestation process.
The way objects are arranged in an environment effects the way the qi (often translated as vital energy or life force) flows through the space. When the qi flows through the space in a way that is harmonious and supportive of human life...we feel better. We may not have a conscious understanding of why we feel good in a certain room, but we do know there are particular places we want to hang out and spend more time in. By learning a little bit of Feng Shui and paying attention to our own preferences and intuition, we can create home and work environments that better support us.
Traditionally Feng Shui is used to create a smooth flow of qi in order to improve health and well being, increase abundance and prosperity, promote creativity and fertility, harmonize relationships, ...you name it.
I'm going to keep this really simple, but just know that if you want more info there are thousands of books and resources you can check out. There are also Feng Shui practitioners who specialize in helping people balance their environments.
Try out a few of the recommendations below and experience the difference for yourself.
Here are a few simple ways you can improve the flow of qi in your environment
1. Clear the clutter. Cluttered belongings cause the qi to stagnate and this is never a good thing. Organize the possessions you want to keep and release the items you don't love or need. Get serious about clearing your clutter and you will be amazed at how energized you will feel. A clean peaceful environment will support you in having a clear and peaceful mind. Remember the qi flows (or stagnates) in every nook and cranny of your environment. This includes your attic, closets, basement, shed, garage and "junk" drawer.
2. Be sure all of your plants are healthy and well cared for. Trim off dead leaves and flowers to keep the qi moving smoothly. Lovingly caring for other living things is believed to enhance your own health and well being.
3. Whenever possible bring fresh cut flowers of all colors into your home.
4. Replace light bulbs and batteries as soon as they go out to keep everything in full working order.
5. Close toilet seats and keep drains covered when not in use. Leaving drains open is said to allow your wealth to go right down the drain.
6. Things that move in the wind like wind chimes, wind socks and flags are used to increase wealth and prosperity.
7. Candles are always a lovely way to enhance the energy of a room. Be sure to select candles that burn clean and have a fragrance you enjoy. And of course, remember to extinguish them...safety first.
8. Crystals and mirrors are often used in Feng Shui to harmonize the flow of qi. These can be used in many ways. If you decide to play around with these, try out a few different placements and see what feels best. Or consult a Feng Shui guide to help you determine the best location for your particular needs.
9. When selecting artwork and display pieces, choose things that represent qualities you want to enhance in your life. For example, if you want to enhance loving relationships choose art that reflects this intention. Instead of hanging pictures of people all alone...select images of people enjoying each other. If you want to travel more, you can amp up this travel qi by bringing art into your home that represents travel, adventure and places you want to explore. You get the idea...