Energy Reverse Engineering Tool
In this video you will learn what to do when something feels like it is “happening to you” and it seems to be a pattern leaving you feeling disempowered, frustrate or annoyed. Use this process to quickly identify what you can do to take your power back.
Here's the step-by-step "how to" guide to using this tool
For use when something feels like it is “happening to you” and it seems to be a pattern leaving you feeling disempowered, frustrate or annoyed.
First of all, remember YOU are a Divine Being and you are 100% responsible for EVERYTHING in your experience AND this is really GREAT news because that means you can never, ever truly BE disempowered… even though it may feel like it at times.
As Gandhi said, “be the change you wish to see in the world.”
This tool can help you come back to your sense of empowerment and help you identify new actions that align to your intended result. Once you identify the action…TAKE IT to create a new experience for yourself.
Step 1: Identify the annoying “person/thing/circumstance” that keeps happening. That’s the easy part : )
i.e. “other people” lacking to communicate; “other people” lacking to commit; “things” keep breaking or falling apart; “other people” are being so disrespectful; “other people” acting entitled, etc.
Step 2: What is the energy of that person/thing/circumstance?
i.e. aloofness; lack of follow through; discipline or commitment; disrepair; disrespect; entitlement, etc.
Step 3: Where in your life (home, work, money, relationships, family, health, environment, creativity, Spiritual practice, leisure, etc) are you in the SAME energy of these “other” people/things/circumstances? How are you acting from the same energy? How are YOU treating YOURSELF in this same way?
i.e. where are you being aloof with communicating with others or aloof in being in authentic communication with Yourself; where are you not following through on commitments to others or yourself; where are you not taking good care of yourself and allowing yourself to “fall apart;” how are you being disrespectful to yourself, others or things (your time, money, possessions, etc); where are feeling as though you are entitled/have earned a certain result or way of being treated, etc.
Step 4: How can YOU be the solution for Yourself? What ACTION(S) can you take in your home, work, money, relationships, family, health, environment, creativity, Spiritual practice, leisure, etc., to rectify the energy?
i.e. Say what you need to say; take action to follow through with a commitment you made to someone or to Yourself; be more attentive to yourself, to others or to your things; be more respectful to yourself, to others or to your things; give yourself something you feel you have earned or are entitled to – Ask “what am I tolerating that I can stop tolerating because I am “entitled” to have something “better?”
Step 5: You guessed it! TAKE the identified ACTION(S)