Greeting Challenges

A few years ago my mom and I walked our first half marathon...the "Flying Pig" in Cincinnati. Over 30,000 people registered for the event. People of all ages, shapes and sizes came out in the pouring rain to run or walk the full marathon or half. Several people arrived in full pig costume. Others wore snouts, ears and tails. It was all very playful and fun. Spectators and supporters lined the street cheering us on, supplying water and Gatorade and entertaining us with musical performances. It was really fun to be a part of the community and it was SO nice to be able to spend the weekend with my mom. This is the picture I took immediately after our "race."

When we decided to participate in the "Flying Pig," we had no idea how to create a successful training program. So, being the book junkie that I am...I got us books. I found a great book that talked about both the physical and mental/emotional training necessary to accomplish the goal. Each week I would read and walk and do my best to apply the things I was learning.

In today's article I am going to share one of the tips I learned and show you how I have adapted it to be effective in other areas of life...not just training for a marathon.

Hello Hills!


Any athlete knows the importance of attitude and the effects attitude has on performance. Coaches regularly teach techniques to empower athletes and help them realize the power of their mind to "make or break" any situation. So, when I picked up the book "The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer," I was not surprised to find lots of information on mindset and overcoming mental blocks, limiting beliefs and fears.

Today I'm going to share one tip I learned from this great book. It's an exercise in changing perspective. Let's say you are a runner and you're really not a fan of hills. As if running isn't hard enough, right? Who needs to add hills to this craziness?? So every time you set out for your run, you dread the hills you know are coming. You can see them getting closer. You feel the tension in your body as you imagine the agony of tackling these hills. You suffer through them, all the while telling yourself to "suck it up, stop whining and just climb!" Time seems to stand still and you feel like you're running in place. Ugh!

Then one day, your coach suggests you try to THINK about the hills DIFFERENTLY. Be willing to shift your relationship to these hills. When you see the hills say, "hello, hills...I've been expecting you. Come run with me." You're not sure how the heck this is going to help anything, but you trust your coach so you decide to give it a can't hurt, right?

When I came home from walking my half marathon I was super excited to see my husband, and not so thrilled about saying goodbye to my family in Michigan. I got home late Tuesday night and the next thing I knew it was Wednesday morning and I was home alone, looking at a massive "to do" list and feeling very sad. Well that's annoying! I have all this stuff to do..several appointments and all I want to do is sit home, mope and feel homesick. Feeling sad was definitely NOT on my agenda today...this was my "hill" and I wasn't in the mood. How could I be homesick? This is ridiculous! Snap out of it! Get to work! Or...

"Hello sadness...I've been expecting you. It's hard to say goodbye to my family. Whenever I say goodbye it takes me a day or so to get back into my own rhythm. Ya know, sadness...I've got a lot to do today. Some of it I can set aside for now, but some of it I really need to show up for. So sadness...walk with me."

A little shift...a little compassion...a little acceptance...and suddenly RELIEF. I don't have to fight with the hill...I can honor it and keep going.


This week consider the "hills" in your path. Make a conscious decision to see them differently. Here are some examples to help you get started. Oh! And please let me know how this works for you. I would love to hear about your experiences.

-Hello anxiety...I've been expecting you. I notice you tend to come along this time of day. Walk with me.

-Hello headache. I've got to be honest...I wasn't expecting you today. But here we are. Let's breathe together.

-Hello insomnia. I've been expecting you. Let's rest here together.

-Hello "to do" list. I've been expecting you. Let's take this one step at a time.